This ad doubles as a PSA.

Volvo’s mission to save a million more lives hits home in all the right places.

This campaign is a great example of advertising that tells a powerful story, uses words that play on all the right emotions, and does good while moving product.

I was scrolling my feed the other day…

Scrolling at 68mph and like a smash dummy hitting a wall, this ad stopped me in my tracks:

The headline reads:

“More than a million lives saved. And counting.”

Those are powerful words.

A quick flash of a few vintage images we all know so well. Crash dummies, a seatbelt clicking, mangled steel.

“The ‘terrible idea’ that has saved more than a million lives.”

Okay, now we’ve got some controversy and a bit of a history lesson. I’m intrigued.

So I click the link and I’m brought to this landing page:

More powerful words and a call to action to watch another video.

So I watch it. I’m in tears. Must be the damn onions I’m cutting…

And then Volvo telling me they’re ready to save more lives.

This isn’t about seat belts, this isn’t about the past, this is about the future. Volvo’s adding speed caps and cameras that monitor driver focus and competency.

Not sure I like that, but it’s bold and they’ve got me considering the implications.

Volvo saves lives. Here are testimonials from our customers.

Volvo is innovative. Here is a timeline of the safety innovations we’ve made that have helped us save lives.

I click “Learn More” and I get a history lesson of all the controversial safety features Volvo has added to their cars. The latest features are nestled comfortably at the bottom of the list.

Now, explore our products

Okay, maybe I’m thinking of my wife. Or my family. I’m thinking of protecting them. And I’m ready to buy a new car on top of it.

Here are the beautiful, sleek, and innovative vehicles we have that have saved a million lives and counting.

Take your pick.


Volvo, in just a few clicks, moved me through the entire marketing funnel:

  • Made me aware of its history of safety innovation (and the controversy that goes along with it)
  • Shared customer experiences that gave me a glimpse into the millions of lives their products have helped save
  • Presented new product features that fall in line with their mission as a company
  • Had me explore their latest line of vehicles, and primed me to shop their products when I'm ready to buy

That's one powerful campaign.